Esbon Sanford (born 20 October 1693 - died 1743) and wife Mary Woodward were the parents of four land grantees for Newport, N.S. in 1761. Esbon’s son's Encome, Benjamin, Joshua, Joseph and grandson Daniel are all listed as original grantees of Newport in 1761. There is no known documentation on how Encome and Joseph arrived in Newport (presumably on the sloop Sally but no documention), however it is known that Benjamin, Joshua, and Daniel sailed from Newport, Rhode Island, New England to Newport, N.S. in May 1760 on the sloop Sally and their brothers arrived within the next year.
Encome (born 1721 - died 10 February 1805) was the oldest of the four children. On 18 February 1762 Encome drew Farm lot E 3rd Div. No.1 on the northside of the Kennetcook River. Encome was an active member of the township with early documentation from 12 September 1761 recalling his appointment as Proprietor Clerk. Encome married Sarah Clarke and had five children:
Woodward (born c. 1750) married Mehitable and had eleven children together.
Mary (born c. 1752 - died 16 January 1782) married John Burgess and had a family of four.
Esbon (born c. 1755 - died 3 January 1829) married Lydia Sanford and had eleven children.
Elizabeth (born c. 1757 - died October 1833) married Edward Burgess.
Peleg (born c. 1758/59 - died September 1825) married Annie Salter on 5 December 1782. Together Annie and Peleg had nine children. Peleg was a Captain in His Majesty’s Loyal Nova Scotia (Hants) Militia in 1798. Shown as a Captain in 26th Battalion in N.S. Militia in 1809.
Benjamin (born 9 July 1733 - died before 25 May 1829) was the second oldest of Esbon and Mary. On 18 February 1762 Benjamin drew Farm lot D 2nd Div. No. 3 on the south side of the Kennetcook River. Benjamin eventually moved to Horton township, then to Cornwallis township, settling at Pereau (outside modern Canning). Benjamin was married twice. His first marriage was to Amelia Bently (born 14 January 1734 - died before 1800) and they had thirteen children:
Susannah (born 4 December 1754 - died 30 November 1826) married Nathan Palmeter and had a family of eight.
Mary (born 1 February 1756 - died 19 December 1826) married Jonathon Loomer on 8 February 1776 and had a family of eleven.
Daniel (more information below)
Abigail (born 17 November 1759) married Benjamin Newcomb on 6 June 1776 and had a family of fourteen.
Edward (born 16 March 1761 - died 15 October 1831) first marriage was to Phebe Newcomb. Second marriage was to Jane Beckwith and had a family of four.
Benjamin Jr. (born 2 April 1763 - died 15 February 1859) married Freedom Strong and had a family of eleven.
Amelia (born 30 August 1764) married Samual Ells on 2 December 1787 and had a family of fourteen.
Samuel (born 24 April 1766) married Ruth Newcomb on 14 February 1787 and had a family of seven.
Sarah (born 6 November 1767) married Amasa Jr. McKellam on 13 November 1795.
Elizabeth (born 25 January 1771) married Jonathon Loomer (his first wife was Elizabeth’s sister Mary).
Waity (born 20 August 1772 - died 1791) married Eddy Newcomb on 11 March 1790.
Deborah (born 8 May 1774 - died 1 January 1829) married Ira Woodworth in 1800 and had a family of nine.
John (born 1 April 1776 - died 6 April 1842) first marriage was to Waity Palmeter. Second marriage was to Lucy Eaton and they had a family of eleven.
Joshua (born on 9 January 1738 - died between 22 October 1815 and 5 April 1816) was the third oldest child of Esbon and Mary. Before leaving Newport, Rhode Island on the sloop Sally, Joshua had served in the army during the alarm of 1757 and the French and Indian Wars. Joshua took an active role in the township as a survey (1764), a Moderator of township meetings (1787 and 1789), and a member of Legislative Assembly at Halifax for the years 1784 and 1785. Joshua had originally drawn Farm lot E 3rd Div. No. 3, however he exchanged it for lot D 4th Div. No. 1 north of the Cogmagun River. Joshua married Mary Westcott in 1757 and had six children together:
Woodward (born c. 1759) inherited the homestead farm.
Robert (born c. 1762).
John (born 7 August 1765 - died after 20 March 1838) first married Rachel Bentley (c.1767 - 1803). His second marriage was to Eunice Palmeter on 13 September 1813. John and Eunice had sixteen children together.
Elisha (born c. 1770 - died after 1840) married Rebecca Mosher (possibly the granddaughter of Newport grantee Captain Abel Michener) and had ten children together.
Mary (born c. 1772) married William Fish of Newport, N.S.
Daughter (unknown name) married a Burgess (first name unknown) and had one daughter named Mary.
Joseph (born 18 February 1740 - died 3 November 1784) drew Farm lot A 2nd Div. No. 4 however it is believed he must have returned to New England shortly after he drew his lot because the lands have not improved from 1762 to 1774 when inventory was taken and lands reverted to the Crown. Joseph married Mary Clarke (c. 1740 - 1811) on 13 June 1764 in Newport, Rhode Island and had four sons and two daughters together.
Daniel Sanford (born 26 January 1758 - died prior to 13 February 1832), son of Benjamin and Amelia Sanford, only 3 years old when listed as an original grantee of Newport, N.S. Daniel sailed with his father and uncle Joseph (the other two uncles likely traveled with them on the sloop Sally). On 18 February 1762 Daniel and William Alline of Falmouth jointly drew Newport Farm lot D 3rd Div. No. 2, by 1776 William’s share was deeded to Daniel. Daniel followed his parents first to Horton township, then to Cornwallis township before settling on a farm in Pereau, N.S. after 1780. Daniel married Ruby Strong on 10 February 1780 and had twelve children together:
David (born 1 January 1781 - died 13 March 1784)
Joshua (born 10 january 1783 - died after 1845) married Elizabeth Weaver and had a family of eleven
Joseph (born 26 October 1784 - died 16 December 1857) married Welthea Palmeter in 1806.
Elizabeth (born 26 November 1786 - died 28 June 1800)
Benjamin (born 1 December 1788 - died 1 August 1821) married on 2 September 1812 to Sarah Illsley. Had a family of two.
Waity (born 4 May 1791 - died 26 April 1840) married Thomas Johnson.
Stephen (born 5 May 1793 - died 21 March 1795)
Deborah (born 2 May 1795 - died 10 July 1795)
Daniel ( 20 June 1799 - died 1874) married Amelia (daughter of Benjamin Jr. and Freedom Sanford and third cousins) and had a family of ten.
Ruby (born 22 January 1801) married Daniel Jr. Johnson
Eber (born 3 September 1803 - died 1 February 1821)
Information accessed from John Victor Duncanson's Newport, Nova Scotia: A Rhode Island Township.
On Map - Green=Original Plot
Blue= Later Acquired Plot(s)
Encome (born 1721 - died 10 February 1805) was the oldest of the four children. On 18 February 1762 Encome drew Farm lot E 3rd Div. No.1 on the northside of the Kennetcook River. Encome was an active member of the township with early documentation from 12 September 1761 recalling his appointment as Proprietor Clerk. Encome married Sarah Clarke and had five children:
Woodward (born c. 1750) married Mehitable and had eleven children together.
Mary (born c. 1752 - died 16 January 1782) married John Burgess and had a family of four.
Esbon (born c. 1755 - died 3 January 1829) married Lydia Sanford and had eleven children.
Elizabeth (born c. 1757 - died October 1833) married Edward Burgess.
Peleg (born c. 1758/59 - died September 1825) married Annie Salter on 5 December 1782. Together Annie and Peleg had nine children. Peleg was a Captain in His Majesty’s Loyal Nova Scotia (Hants) Militia in 1798. Shown as a Captain in 26th Battalion in N.S. Militia in 1809.
Benjamin (born 9 July 1733 - died before 25 May 1829) was the second oldest of Esbon and Mary. On 18 February 1762 Benjamin drew Farm lot D 2nd Div. No. 3 on the south side of the Kennetcook River. Benjamin eventually moved to Horton township, then to Cornwallis township, settling at Pereau (outside modern Canning). Benjamin was married twice. His first marriage was to Amelia Bently (born 14 January 1734 - died before 1800) and they had thirteen children:
Susannah (born 4 December 1754 - died 30 November 1826) married Nathan Palmeter and had a family of eight.
Mary (born 1 February 1756 - died 19 December 1826) married Jonathon Loomer on 8 February 1776 and had a family of eleven.
Daniel (more information below)
Abigail (born 17 November 1759) married Benjamin Newcomb on 6 June 1776 and had a family of fourteen.
Edward (born 16 March 1761 - died 15 October 1831) first marriage was to Phebe Newcomb. Second marriage was to Jane Beckwith and had a family of four.
Benjamin Jr. (born 2 April 1763 - died 15 February 1859) married Freedom Strong and had a family of eleven.
Amelia (born 30 August 1764) married Samual Ells on 2 December 1787 and had a family of fourteen.
Samuel (born 24 April 1766) married Ruth Newcomb on 14 February 1787 and had a family of seven.
Sarah (born 6 November 1767) married Amasa Jr. McKellam on 13 November 1795.
Elizabeth (born 25 January 1771) married Jonathon Loomer (his first wife was Elizabeth’s sister Mary).
Waity (born 20 August 1772 - died 1791) married Eddy Newcomb on 11 March 1790.
Deborah (born 8 May 1774 - died 1 January 1829) married Ira Woodworth in 1800 and had a family of nine.
John (born 1 April 1776 - died 6 April 1842) first marriage was to Waity Palmeter. Second marriage was to Lucy Eaton and they had a family of eleven.
Joshua (born on 9 January 1738 - died between 22 October 1815 and 5 April 1816) was the third oldest child of Esbon and Mary. Before leaving Newport, Rhode Island on the sloop Sally, Joshua had served in the army during the alarm of 1757 and the French and Indian Wars. Joshua took an active role in the township as a survey (1764), a Moderator of township meetings (1787 and 1789), and a member of Legislative Assembly at Halifax for the years 1784 and 1785. Joshua had originally drawn Farm lot E 3rd Div. No. 3, however he exchanged it for lot D 4th Div. No. 1 north of the Cogmagun River. Joshua married Mary Westcott in 1757 and had six children together:
Woodward (born c. 1759) inherited the homestead farm.
Robert (born c. 1762).
John (born 7 August 1765 - died after 20 March 1838) first married Rachel Bentley (c.1767 - 1803). His second marriage was to Eunice Palmeter on 13 September 1813. John and Eunice had sixteen children together.
Elisha (born c. 1770 - died after 1840) married Rebecca Mosher (possibly the granddaughter of Newport grantee Captain Abel Michener) and had ten children together.
Mary (born c. 1772) married William Fish of Newport, N.S.
Daughter (unknown name) married a Burgess (first name unknown) and had one daughter named Mary.
Joseph (born 18 February 1740 - died 3 November 1784) drew Farm lot A 2nd Div. No. 4 however it is believed he must have returned to New England shortly after he drew his lot because the lands have not improved from 1762 to 1774 when inventory was taken and lands reverted to the Crown. Joseph married Mary Clarke (c. 1740 - 1811) on 13 June 1764 in Newport, Rhode Island and had four sons and two daughters together.
Daniel Sanford (born 26 January 1758 - died prior to 13 February 1832), son of Benjamin and Amelia Sanford, only 3 years old when listed as an original grantee of Newport, N.S. Daniel sailed with his father and uncle Joseph (the other two uncles likely traveled with them on the sloop Sally). On 18 February 1762 Daniel and William Alline of Falmouth jointly drew Newport Farm lot D 3rd Div. No. 2, by 1776 William’s share was deeded to Daniel. Daniel followed his parents first to Horton township, then to Cornwallis township before settling on a farm in Pereau, N.S. after 1780. Daniel married Ruby Strong on 10 February 1780 and had twelve children together:
David (born 1 January 1781 - died 13 March 1784)
Joshua (born 10 january 1783 - died after 1845) married Elizabeth Weaver and had a family of eleven
Joseph (born 26 October 1784 - died 16 December 1857) married Welthea Palmeter in 1806.
Elizabeth (born 26 November 1786 - died 28 June 1800)
Benjamin (born 1 December 1788 - died 1 August 1821) married on 2 September 1812 to Sarah Illsley. Had a family of two.
Waity (born 4 May 1791 - died 26 April 1840) married Thomas Johnson.
Stephen (born 5 May 1793 - died 21 March 1795)
Deborah (born 2 May 1795 - died 10 July 1795)
Daniel ( 20 June 1799 - died 1874) married Amelia (daughter of Benjamin Jr. and Freedom Sanford and third cousins) and had a family of ten.
Ruby (born 22 January 1801) married Daniel Jr. Johnson
Eber (born 3 September 1803 - died 1 February 1821)
Information accessed from John Victor Duncanson's Newport, Nova Scotia: A Rhode Island Township.
On Map - Green=Original Plot
Blue= Later Acquired Plot(s)